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February 22, 2020

Let’s Get Spring Cleaning Started

Spring Cleaning? We can help!

After a long, slow and chilly winter wherein we rest, hibernate and gorge on holiday delicacies, many of us await the blissful awakening of the seasons- also known as Spring. As the leaves grow and flowers blossom, many of us enjoy the various warm- weather activities. However, springtime also brings along with it one daunting task we all dread, Spring Cleaning. Not only do the holidays mean fun and exciting presents from our loved ones but it also means all the lavish decorations we love to compete each other for and the heavy duty cleaning that follows. For springtime that is soon upon us, remember to visit The Storage Depot and follow these tips to welcome the season of  brunches and sun attire without the horror that comes with de-cluttering.

When to start?

From mistletoe and Christmas trees to lawn gnomes, roof lights and even clothes and such, the amount of space needed to store all your winter holiday decorations and belongings will be more than one can surely want to give up for your new things. Any of  Storage Depot retail centers can aid you with an organized area including amenities like storage units, containers and moving supplies to ease you the pain of packing and storing items. Not only will you be rest assured that your belongings are stored all together but you’ll re-claim your valuable home space.

Suggestions on how to do it

When attempting to de- clutter your home, it always helps to follow a simple yet systematic process. You can do this in many ways; start by categorizing your items. You can have group for belongings to put up for storage, another one to distribute to loved ones and  friends as well as a group of items to keep at home for the easiest and quickest access. At  Storage Depot you can store all these items in their respective containers and boxes as well as secure them with the necessary stationary also available in any of the retail centers. In addition to that, for items that will most likely not be opened until the next winter and need long- term preservation, remember to select a storage unit with 24/7  temperature regulation. This will assure you that your belongings will stay safe throughout the rest of the seasons in the year. When categorizing the items for storage, you can also group them by material, theme or even fragility. This process will help in the decision making process which is the more time consuming part of packing your belongings for storage.

Recruit some help

One trick for many parent who have the kids home from school for the holidays is to to get them involved! In addition to having an organized system for grouping things but you’ll also have the man power to get those heavy objects around. Delegate specific tasks to each member of the team to assure everything on the list os covered and packed adequately. If you don’t have the kids around remember to contact Storage Depot for assistance on getting items transported. The quick and easy access to all your needs from start to finish of the spring cleaning process is what makes  Storage Depot your best bet for an easy seasonal de- cluttering. An extra tip when getting family and friends involved is setting a nice incentive such as pizza or burgers.

Our advice

Last but not least, create a routine throughout the year that will help you avoid the buildup and clustering of random things wherever the space provides. Grab a couple storage bins for in season change- ups to the decor and keep them in easily accessible places. It will also be to your benefit to schedule routine clean- ups to ensure that things don’t pile up over time. This emphasizes that maintenance is key. Follow these packing tips and breathe freely knowing that all your valuable holiday belongings are kept safe, dry and clean with Storage Depot.