Storage units and all facilities can be utilized for a variety of day to day items ranging from furniture to personal belongings. Certain storage units have also been commonly known to have been converted into functional spaces for the extra room such as offices, studios, gyms and such. Although there are many different things storage units can be used for, it is also important to observe rules at different facilities regarding what you should not keep in the various amenities they provide. Storage Depot can provide you with assistance regarding these items and guide you through your experience, hassle-free.
Although most items can be conveniently placed in storage for safety and space, there can be some seemingly innocuous items that should not be placed in storage units. For starters, many people who stockpile on food items would normally think it would be ideal to store them in units. With certain preservation and packing methods, storing foods with a long shelf life and are properly sealed can be a viable option. However, even though one may plan on routine checks, storing items such as fresh vegetable pots, plants and other food items of the such can lead not only to rotting food but may also attract pestilence and unwanted scavengers to the facility.
More commonly than one may think, there have been cases where people have discreetly converted storage units to housing units for pets and even exotic animals. Not only is this a bad idea, but it can lead to huge fines and damage fees. Most storage units are not designed for anything that requires a light source and nutrients like water and food. This is a good rule to keep in mind when brainstorming what items you can use the extra space for.
In addition, in many cases, it is seen that people have used storage facilities for hazardous materials and items. It is imperative that storage facilities stay clear of highly corrosive acids, chemicals, and explosives. Furthermore, people may also forget that more commonly seen items such as propane tanks, chemical cleaning supplies and different hazardous liquids. Initially, this may seem like a good idea because it would keep these items away from the general population. However, these items need to be stored in a place where they can be physically monitored 24/7 and are away from the goods and valuables of others should an accident occur. Remember to thoroughly read through the precautions each facility provides regarding prohibited items or simply partner up with any team member at Storage Depot for guidelines and regulations to maximize the use of your unit!